
Honorary Consul: Harald Loeffler
 Landmark, St. Peter’s Square, 1 Oxford Road, Manchester M1 4PB
Tel: 0161 934 3026
Email: konsulatmanchester@dacbeachcroft.com


Assistant High Commissioner: Mohammad Jobayed Hosen
Seamark House, Edge Lane, Droylsden Manchester M43 6BB.
Tel. 0161 371 0577  
Email: mission.manchester@mofa.gov.bd

Honorary Consul: Lorraine Worsley-Carter MBE
c/o Billingtons, 3 Ashcroft Street, Oldham, OL1 1HY (strictly by appointment)
Tel: 07970744363
Email: lorraine@lorraineworsley.co.uk


Honorary Consul: TBC

Tel: TBC
Email: TBC

Consul General Rui Tang
Denison House, 71 Denison Road, Manchester M14 5RX
Tel: 0161 2573629
Email: consulatecn@yahoo.co.uk


Consulate General of the Czech Republic

Consul General: David Frous
4 Brindley Road, Manchester, M16 9HQ
Tel: 0161 8766748
Email: david.frous@mzv.cz 

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Consulate of Denmark
Honorary Consul: Agusta Thorarinsdottir
24 Church Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1AJ
Tel: 0161 691 5025
Email: manchester@umgate.dk

Consulate of France

Honorary Consul: Rudolphe Soulard
Ground Floor, 125 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4TQ
Tel: TBC
Email: agenceconsulairemanchester@gmail.com


Consulate of Germany
Honorary Consul: Sandra Morrison
Landmark, St. Peter’s Square, 1 Oxford Road, Manchester M1 4PB
Tel: 0161 934 3078
Email: smorrison@dacbeachcroft.com

Consulate of Germany - Leeds
Honorary Consul: Regina Rosenthal
c/o Gateway Plc., Minerva, 8th floor, 29 East Parade, Leeds LS1 5PS
Tel: 07485713620
Email: leeds@hk-diplo.de

Consulate General of Greece
Consul General: Alexandros Ioannidis
37 King Street (2nd Floor),
Manchester, M2 7AT
Email: ioannidis@mfa.gr

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Consulate General of Hungary
Consul General: Dr. Laszlo Risko-Nagy
1 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3BE
Email: mission.man@mfa.gov.hu


Consulate of Iceland
Honorary Consul: Agusta Thorarinsdottir
24 Church Lane, Prestwich, Manchester M25 1AJ
Tel: 161 691 5025
Email: Iceland.manchester@gmail.com


Iraqi Consulate
Head of Consulate: Mr. Jawad Al-Shaheen
1 Norfolk Street, Manchester M2 1DW
Tel: 0161 228 0880
Email: mancg@mofa.gove.iq

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Consulate General of Ireland
Consul General: Sarah Mangan
17 Marble Street, 14th Floor, Suite14.15-14.16, Manchester, M2 3AW
Tel: 0161 638 9240
Email: sarah.mangan@dfa.ie

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Consulate General of Ireland
Vice Consul General: Carina O’Brien
17 Marble Street, 14th Floor, Suite 14.15-14.16, Manchester, M2 3AW
Tel: 0161 638 9240
Email: carina.obrien@dfa.ie


Israel Information Centre
President Emeritus for the Embassy of Israel: Doreen Gerson
17 Randale Road, Unsworth, Bury BL9 8HZ
Tel: 0161 766 7996
Email: doreengerson6@gmail.com

Consulate of Italy
Consul: Matteo Corradini
58 Spring Gardens, Manchester, M2 1EW
Tel: TBC
Email: Manchester.segreteria@esteri.it

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Consulate of Japan
Honorary Consul: Joanne Ahmed
C/o Deloitte LLP, 100 Embankment, Cathedral Approach, Manchester, M3 7FB
Tel: 0161 455 8267
Email: ukmanchesterhonoraryconsul@deloitte.co.uk


Consulate General of the State of Libya
Consul General: Faisal ABID
22 Furness Quay, Salford, M50 3XZ
Tel: 0161 872 9900
Email: contact@libyaconsgman.ly

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Consulate of Mexico
Honorary Consul: Tim Scott
Edison House, 2 Daniel Adamson Road, Salford, M50 1DT
Tel: 01534 490 400 Fax: 01534 490 500
Email: denise@scotttim.co.uk

Consulate of Netherlands
Honorary Consul: Maud Duthie
University of Chester, Churchill House, Queens Park Road, Chester CH4 7AD
Tel: 07552887044
Email: m.duthie@chester.ac.uk

Netherlands Business Support Office
Representative: Maxime Dalida
Centurion House, 11th floor, 129 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3WR
Tel: 0161 834 9082 Mob. 07483449786

Consulate of the Republic Kazakhstan

Honorary Consul: Abid Latif Chohan
580C (2nd Floor) Stockport Road, Manchester, M13 0RQ
Tel: 07733333815
Email: abidlatifchohan@hotmail.com

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Consulate General of Pakistan
Consul General: Mohammed Tariq Wazir
137 Dickinson Road, Rusholme, Manchester, M14 5JB
Tel: 0161 225 2005 Fax: 0161 225 3281
Email: parepmanchester@phclondon.org

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Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
Consul General: Ireneusz Truszkowski
Manchester One, 51 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3LD
Tel: 0161 245 4130 (ext.831)
Email: manchester@msz.gov.pl  - ireneusz.truszkowski@msz.gov.pl

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Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
Vice-Consul: Radoslaw Gromski
Manchester One, 51 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3LD
Tel: 0161 245 4130, Mob: 07387 268041
Email: radoslaw.gromski@msz.gov.pl

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
Consul: Barbara Sala
Manchester One, 51 Portlands Street, Manchester, M1 3LD
Tel: 0161 245 4130, Mob. 07763657863
Email: Barbara.sala@msz.gov.pl

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Consulate of Portugal
Consul General: Duarte Bué Alves
2nd Floor, 1 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3BE
Tel. 0161 236 0990 / 0161 923 6100
Email: duarte.alves@mne.pt

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Consulate General of Romania
Consul General: Nicoleta Teodorovici
9 Cooper Street, Manchester, M2 2FW
Tel: 0161 236 0478
Email: manchester@mae.ro

Consulate General of Spain
Consul General: Laura Garcia Alfaya
55 Brown Street, Manchester M2 1YB
Tel: 0161 850 2670 (Mon-Fri 9 -14)
Email: cog.manchester@maec.es

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Consulate of Switzerland
Honorary Consul: Hans Scheiwiller
c/o Land Law LLP, 10/14 Market St. Altrincham WA14 1QB
Tel: 07490 515 123
Email: manchester@honrep.ch

Consul General: Seyfi Onur SAYIN
14 Oxford Court, Manchester, M2 3WQ
Tel: 07721662020
Email: consulate.manchester@mfa.gov.tr

Associate Members

Czech Republic:
Honorary Consul (retired) Virginia Guillemain
Email: viriginiag@aol.com

Honorary Consul (retired) Guy Robert Jean Robson
Email: threegggs@hotmail.co.uk

Honorary Consul (retired) Peter Heginbotham
Email: p.heginbotham@btinternet.com

Honorary Consul (retired) G. Arthur Broadhurst
Email: arthur@abroadhurst.com

Honorary Consul (retired) Christian Wewer
Email: consulate@cwconsult.org

Honorary Consul (retired) John Meeus
Email: john@jmeeus.co.uk

Honorary Consul (retired) Jeremy Mark Green
Email: germanconsulgreen@hotmail.com

Honorary Consular Assistant (retired) Miho Hatakeyama
Email: hatake36@hotmail.com

Honorary Consul (retired) Soren Tattam
Email: soren@tattam.co.uk

Honorary Consul (retired): Chris Rostron
Email: chris.rostron@ntlworld.com

Honorary Consul: Robert Burnett-Hughes
Email: burnhugh777@gmail.com